Are there any details about the club outing to Nupa 5 this weekend? For those of us who haven't been,
a) are there any ways to get there better than others, i.e. through Idaho City vs. Featherville/Atlanta?
b) How soon are folks going up, and how long are they staying?
c) And most importantly, what time is dinner on Saturday?
I probably wasn't paying attention at the last club meeting, so my apologies for re-asking what might be the obvious.
Dave, in case you haven't been following the replies to Doug's comment, you are very much appreciated. To be doing such a great job on a volunteer basis is really great.
Question: I know there have been questions about what the public sees and what is for members only. If we upload photos, will they simply be included in a forum message or will they go to a photos section? Will they be available for the public to see? I believe it will be pictures of club members having fun that will generate new members, so most pictures should be publicly visible. But some people might want their photos kept within the club. Can that be an option at the time of upload?
Thanks Darren! Also, I'm looking in to making sure members can contact each other.